Quick blog post that will cover updating Nutanix Calm via the Nutanix component Life Cycle Manager (LCM) which is available in both Prism Element (PE), the Nutanix Cluster, and via Prism Central (PC). Since Calm belongs to Prism Central we can obviously not upgrade it via PE and must use PC which most of the …
Tag Archive: LCM
Nutanix Calm Version 2.6 Released
Two days ago, 2019-01-30, Nutanix released their latest version, 2.6, of Nutanix Calm which is the built-in automation and orchestration tool available in Nutanix Prism Central. Calm, as I guess you already know, supports application life cycle management, monitoring & remediation and can provision virtual machines and deploy applications to multiple target platforms such as: Nutanix …