Happy to let you know what Era 2.0 has been release. There are a lot of new features and new functionality in Era 2.0 and i have been working with quite a few of them already. The single most important new feature in my opinion is the Multi-Cluster Support Era multi-cluster capability allows you to …
Tag Archive: Microsoft
Nutanix ERA 1.3.1 Released
Yesterday, 2020-07-09, Nutanix released a new version of Era meaning version 1.3.1 is now the latest and greatest. For you that’s is not familiar with Nutanix Era it’s a database management & data copy solution which you can read more about here Version 1.3.1 comes with an enhancement to Windows Domain Profiles, which is a …
Nutanix ERA 1.3 Released
Today, 2020-06-02, Nutanix released a new version of Era meaning the latest ad greatest version is now 1.3. For you that’s is not familiar with Nutanix Era it’s a database management & data copy solution. There are enhancements and or new features in the following areas: Era Server Deployment Japanese UI support Time Machine Easy …
Nutanix ERA REST API & API Equivalent Button
No matter what kind of integration work you’re doing one of challenge with many products is to find a well defined API specification. With Nutanix Era, as with many other Nutanix solutions (including e.g. Prism Central, Prism Element) there is a well defined API which you can access via the UI. Just click admin – …
Nutanix ERA 1.2 Released
Yesterday, 2020-01-02, Nutanix released a new version of its database management & data copy solution, Nutanix Era, meaning latest and greatest version is now 1.2. There are enhancements and or new features in the following areas: Era Server Oracle PostgreSQL SQL Server One feature that I know, coming from an infrastructure background, will be much …
Nutanix ERA – Upgrade Using Command Line
few days ago I had to upgrade Nutanix Era using command line since remote access didn’t they way it should and I only had ssh access to the Era VM. However, there is a simple process you can follow if the Era VM has connection to portal.nutanix.com from where the Era software will be downloaded. …
Nutanix ERA 1.1.1 Released
Yesterday, 2019-09-19, Nutanix released a new version of its database management & data copy solution, Nutanix Era, meaning latest and greatest version is now 1.1.1. Apart from fixes which is normally what you put into dot dot releases there are some pretty nice new features and functionality you can take advantage of including: Oracle Support …
Nutanix ERA & ServiceNow Role Based Access Control
A while ago i wrote an article about Nutanix Era, a database management & data copy solution, version 1.1 which was released in early July. Read more about it here. One of the new features in Era 1.1 was role based access control (RBAC) and i have been working quite a lot lately with both …
Nutanix ERA 1.1 Released
Yesterday, 2019-07-09, Nutanix released a new version of its database management & data copy solution, Nutanix Era, meaning latest and greatest version is now 1.1. This version comes with some really good new features & enhancements: Role Based Access Control (RBAC) including four different roles. Authentication via Active Directory Deploy highly available PostgreSQL databases. Two …
Database as a Service with Nutanix ERA
You might have heard about Nutanix ERA before since it was officially announced back in May 2018 in the Nutanix .Next New Orleans time frame. You can read the press release here. Nutanix ERA is a product providing Database as a Service (DBaaS) management and has now been released. It enables you to easily provision database environments …
Windows Server 2019 in Action Via Altaro
Just a quick note to let you know that Altaro will host a Microsoft Windows Server 2019 webinar November 8:th 2018. The last, WS2019, webinar by Altaro had over 4,500 IT pros registering for the event. Feedback gathered from that webinar and the most popular features will now be discussed and tested live by Microsoft …
Altaro Migrate Virtual Machine Webinar
Just wanted to let you know that one of my blog sponsors, Altaro will host a “Migrate Virtual Machine To Hyper-V for VMware Administrators” webinar tomorrow May 16 at: Time for EU attendees: (2pm CEST) Time for US attendees: (10am PDT / 1pm EDT) And yes I know that most of my readers runs VMware ESXi …