Name: Bruno Sousa NPX Number:015 Employer: Nutanix Blog URL: N/A Twitter: @bsousapt Virtualisation background: My very first exposure to an “enterprise ready” virtualization was with ESX 3.5 on HP servers to virtualize nothing else then…Oracle 8 and Oracle 9 workloads for a medical research center in Porto (my hometown) , Portugal. After this experience I had the …
Tag Archive: npx16
Meet NPX 016 – Crescenzo Oliviero
Name: Crescenzo Oliviero NPX Number:016 Employer: Nutanix Blog URL: N/A Twitter: @CrexOliviero Virtualisation background: started to play with VMware in 2008 for backing it up through proxies… then to architect sizing. I started also playing with Solaris zones in late 2003 that could be considered a virtualisation approach or latest docker ancestor. Storage Background:use to work as …