Tag Archive: Oracle RAC

Nutanix – Database Migration

Customers has been running databases on top of Nutanix HCI for quite a few years and the number keeps increasing. One reason being is obviously the magic HCI solution but another major reason is the Nutanix Database Management solution, Era, which i believe you are already familiar with. No matter if you’re using Era or …

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Nutanix ERA 2.3 Released

Today, 2021-09-20, is a good day for all Nutanix Era customers and fans out there since version 2.3 has been released. Highlighted New Features There are nine new features in this dot release and i’d like to quickly present three of the most important once: You can now deploy the Era management Plane in a …

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Nutanix ERA 2.2 Released

Today, 2021-06-30, is a good day for all Nutanix Era fans out there since version 2.2 has been released. There are a lot of new and improved features in this release which i trust you’ll find useable no matter what is your preferred DB engine. First of all, Era version 2.2 brings another DB engine, …

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