During VMworld 2017 VMware and Pivotal announced Pivotal Container Service (PKS) which I wrote about here.Just wanted to let you know that VMware PKS 1.0 is now general available. PKS is Kubernetes, which is the most common/used open-source systems for orchestrating containers offering to my knowledge, plus day 1 & day 2 operations combined together. PKS initially …
Tag Archive: VMware Pivotal Container Service
VMware PKS Announced
Today, 2017-08-29, VMware announced/introduced VMware Pivotal Container Service which is a collaboration with VMware, Pivotal and Google Cloud to deliver VMware Pivotal Container Service (VMware PKS). Not really sure about the PKS but maybe it is to point out Kubernetes or maybe PCS is already taken:) Components included are e.g. NSX, Kubernetes, vRealize Automation, Wavefront telemetry Kubernetes, …