

Annoying popup preventing me from installing software

This post falls under the category “very annoying things that i usually ignore”.
During the past weeks i have been installing vCloud Automation Center (vCAC) 6.0 several times for different customers and this afternoon was no different. This product is really taking off for the moment.

Based on the Windows Server (used for the vCAC IaaS components) operating system 2008 R2 or 2012 local policies, group policies or computer based settings for the Internet Explorer security i have seen the below very annoying screen telling me “These files can’t be opened” a few times.

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Yes, the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (IE ESC) has been set to off for both Administrators and Users.
When this screen has appeared over the past weeks (and actually years for other products as well) i have most of the times taken the easy way out and just set most of the Internet Explorer security settings for the Internet zone to enable!
Yeah, i know this is not the very best approach but when you have finished your installation you can just restore the default settings.

However this time i decided to figure out the setting actually causing the issue  so i can get rid of this  in the future. I spend some time reading through the different Internet Explorer security setting options (Internet Explorer – > Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab)  and in the sub category Miscellaneous i found  the configuration “Launching applications and unsafe files”. 

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After i set this to “Prompt (recommended)” there was no problem launching the installation. Just answer yes to the User Account Control popup and continue with your vCAC IaaS component/components installation.

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