

Chance to win free VMworld 2015 US tickets from VMTurbo

Today i received some were good news from VMTurbo. They are actually giving away free VMworld 2015 tickets this year as well. They did the same last year which you can read about hereVMworld will be held August 30TH, 2015 – September 3RD, 2015 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

If you haven’t done so already sign up for the chance to win the VMworld tickets here and tune in for the there drawings that will be held:

  • 29 May
  • 19 June
  • 10 July

You can read the VMturbo Sweepstakes term and agreements here

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So again, a huge thank you VMturbo for this great way of sponsoring the virtualisation community.

This is not an advertising blog post payed for by my blog sponsor VMTurbo, this is just a way for you as a VDCX56 blog reader to get a chance to take advantage of this great offer from VMTurbo.