IMPORTANT: It is not supported to use different Compute Profiles for the different DB Server VMs, just different Compute Profiles for the group of DB Server VMs & the HA Proxy VM(s)!!!!
When provisioning a PostgreSQL High Availability setup using Nutanix NDB, formerly known as Era, you have the option to also deploy a pair of HA Proxy VMs with a virtual IP address (VIP) – you can opt out from it if not needed.
However, if you provision PostgreSQL HA DB Server VMs with a lot of compute (CPU and RAM) power e.g. 16 vCPUs and 128 GB of RAM, defined in an Era construct called Compute Profile, you might not wanna assign the same amount of compute to the HA Proxy VMs (since it is not required).
When using the Era UI and running through the provisioning workflow of a PostgreSQL HA setup you select a Compute Profile at the Database Server VMs step. In my case i selected the XSmall profile.
The Compute Profile selected at the Database Server VM step is also used for the HA Proxy VMs. No option to select, a different or the same, Compute Profile for the HA Proxy VMs in step 3, HA, of the provisioning workflow.
You all know that Era UI uses API calls for all of its actions, right ?
If we take a look at the part of the REST API body/payload, the UI will use, that belongs to the HA Proxy VMs there is no notion of Compute Profile in there.
Just for this blog post, i do understand that most likely these compute definitions won’t meet your needs, i will use Compute Profile:
- XSmall (2 vCPUs & 8 GB RAM) for the PostgreSQL HA DB Server VMs
- HA_Proxy (1 vCPU & 4 GB RAM) for the HA Proxy VMs.
In the body/payload i’m sending, via whatever tool i’m using to perform the provisioning request, to Era i’ll just simply include the following line computeProfileId”: “compute_profile_id” as per below screenshot to define a Compute Profile for the HA Proxy VMs.
The result will be according to:
- Era UI – Databases view which lists the Compute Profile used for the DB Server VMs
Click the image to see what i mean….
- Era UI – Database Server VMs -> expand the PostgreSQL cluster -> click one of the HA proxy VMs (in my case maganderpgclu01_haproxy1). This shows the Compute Profile used for the HA Proxy VMs
Click the image to see what i mean…. - Prism Element picture showing 2 or 3 DB Server VMs and 1 of 2 HA Proxy VMs
This can be pretty useful, right ????
IMPORTANT: It is not supported to use different Compute Profiles for the different DB Server VMs, just different Compute Profiles for the group of DB Server VMs & the HA Proxy VM(s)!!!!