

Meet NPX 019 – Jason Yeo

  • Name: Jason Yeo
  • NPX Number:019
  • Employer: Nutanix
  • Blog URL: vchips.imutroom.com
  • Twitter: @jasonyzs88
  • Virtualisation background: VMware practitioner since 2010 (VCP4). Became an EUC specialist and attained VMware VCDX#180 in 2014.
  • Storage Background:Was an enterprise SAN admin circa 2003, handling several HP XP storage with Brocade and McData fabrics
  • Hyper Converged Infrastructure background: Designing and Deploying Nutanix since 2015
  • Future of HCI and other emerging technologies:HCI by Nutanix is just a foundational building block to enable so much more for the enterprise. With a solid HCI that Nutanix built, we can now build upwards and outwards. The foreseeable future is about dealing with multi-cloud, multi-workloads, while being efficient.
  • Value of NPX: To me it’s just the start to greater heights. It’s an affirmation that my knowledge and skills to consult, design and deploy HCI has reached a good level, and signifies the time to scale out, personally.
  • What made you go for NPX: Multiple reasons, but the first and foremost is to inspire my team members to go for it. It’s a journey, and the learnings is really invaluable, especially for my team of consultants, who regularly consultant, design & deploy HCI for our customers.
  • Working towards NPX is a journey. In fact, starting with HCI and to be strong in it, technically, requires much more than just virtualization and storage skills and experience. Strength in networking also becomes necessary. NPX has a broader scope that my VCDX experience, as it calls upon more knowledge in the enterprise IT space. Understanding IT organisations, operations, ITIL processes, etc. are just some of the areas we need to be sound in. On top of that, we have to wrap all these up with years of consulting experience, and deliver it as one coherent experience. Enjoy the journey!

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