Quick blog post to let you know that Nutanix Cluster Check (NCC) version 3.1 has been released. You can run NCC via:
- CVM command line by using command bcc health_checks run_all
- Via PRISM UI -> Health -> Actions -> Run Checks
There are eight new checks, according to the below list, in this release and there are also quite a few bug fixes.
- cassandra_similar_token_check
- cloud_metadata_disk_usage_check
- external_access_client_check
- m10_m60_gpu_mixed_check
- pc_memory_availability_check
- protection_domain_file_conflict_check
- remote_site_has_correct_cluster_info_check
- vg_space_usage_check
The following hardware and software are supported:
- AOS / 4.7 / 5.0 / 5.1 or later versions
- AHV / Hyper-V / ESXi / XenServer hypervisors
- All Nutanix NX and SX Series models
- Dell XC Series of Web-scale Converged Appliances
- Lenovo Converged HX Series
NCC 3.1 can be downloaded here and the release can be found here