

Nutanix OpenStack Virtual Machine Version 2.1.4 Released

A few days ago, 2017-02-02, Nutanix released a new version of their OpenStack Virtual Machine (OVM) so the current version is now 2.1.4. There are quite a few enhancements but one specifically I wanted to let you know.

It is now possible to to configure the OVM in a High Availability mode

This is excellent news for all of you running Nutanix OVM in production or planning to do so and same time require high availability. The following picture describes the logical implementation.

The OVMs will run in active/passive mode with a virtual IP (VIP) and it uses e.g. keepalived to increase the availability.

The following failure conditions are addressed with the OVM HA configuration:

  • Power failure of OVM
  • Network failure of the OVM
  • Nova -compute failure
  • Network connections

To configure HA just use the below command:

ovmctl –add ha –name hA_name –virtual_ip virtual_ip_address –priority ovm_priority

Priority between 0-100 can be used the the higher value the higher priority.

Download Nutanix OVM 2.1.4 here, read the installation instruction here and access the “Management of Nutanix Clusters with OpenStack” here.

The following blog posts describes the Nutanix OpenStack  Nutanix OVM are also available:

Important: The picture used in this blog post describing OVM HA was created by Nutanix and is included in their documentation.
This means that the copyright belongs to Nutanix so don’t use the picture without approval from Nutanix.