So a few weeks back i wrote an article about how you can backup your Realize Automation (vRA) formerly known as vCloud Automation Center (vCAC) embedded PostgreSQL database. You can read the blog post here.
I have received a few questions regarding the blog post and most of they has been around securing the PostgreSQL database backup to a different location e.g. a backup system using. Since it is a virtual appliance (VA) running the PostgreSQL database it is usually not a good idea/recommended/supported to install third-party software such as a backup agent.
So what i normally do is fetching the vRA VA PostgreSQL database backups to one of the vRA IaaS servers which are Windows operating system based VMs where you can install a backup agent if the customer requires.
Below is the script i used during one of last years vRA/vCAC implementations and this customer used a backup agent in the VM that conducted daily differential backups. The pscp.exe file is required for this script and the steps included in the backup script are:
- Remove old local backups on the Windows VM. Make sure you change the path to where you store the backups on the Windows VM.
- Echo log file start message, date & time to the backup script log file. Make sure you change the path to the log file.
- Get the PostgreSQL backups located on the vRA VA. Make sure you change the following parameters:
- User name
- User password
- Directory where the PostgreSQL backups are located
- Path to where you store the pscp.exe file on the Windows VM.
- Echo date, time and end message to the log fil.
echo off
REM ===============================
REM Author: Magnus Andersson
REM Get the vRA PostgreSQL database daily backup and keep 7 backups
REM Delete old backups
del d:\vRA-VA-PostgreSQL-backups\PostgreSQL_DB_Backup*.*
set logfile=d:\vRA-VA-PostgreSQL-backups\get-backup.log
echo “”Get vRA PostgreSQL backups starting”” >> %logfile%
date /t >> %logfile%
time /t >> %logfile%
REM Get vRA PostgreSQL backups from vRA VA VM
cd /d d:\vRA-VA-PostgreSQL-backups\
c:\vRA-VA-PostgreSQL-backups\pscp.exe -pw password*.sql . >> %logfile%
date /t >> %logfile%
time /t >> %logfile%
echo “Get vRA PostgreSQL backups finished”” >> %logfile%”
As always, there are a lot of different ways to do the same thing but this has worked fine for me at least.
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