Tag Archive: ESXi 5.1

ESXi 5.1 U1 Purple Screen of Death

A few days ago i was contacted by a customer who was running vSphere 5.1 U1 which is about one year old. For various reasons they have not yet upgraded to a later version of vSphere 5.1 or to vSphere 5.5. However, there has been quite some time since i a have seen a purple screen …

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ESXi host VMkernel.Boot.terminateVMOnPDL configuration using PowerCLI

I have already written a blog post about how you can configure the ESXi host  setting disk.terminateVMOnPDLDefault in vSphere version 5.1. You can find that blog post here. I have received a couple of questions about how to configure the setting, called VMkernel.Boot.terminateVMOnPDL, in ESXi 5.5 so i decided to put together a blog post about it. …

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Use PowerCLI to compare virtual machine configured and installed guest operating system

When i presented the result from a vSphere health check the other day my costumer was quite surprised that a few of his virtual machines had an installed guest operating system that didn’t match the guest operation system configured in vSphere. Several other blogs covers the importance of having a configured guest operating system in vSphere …

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ESXi host advanced settings

During every vSphere design and Health Check the vSphere advanced settings are being discussed and every once in a while i receive an email asking me what vSphere advanced settings i normally use and recommends. I know Duncan Epping wrote a blog post about when to use the vSphere advanced settings a while ago. In general i agree …

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Cannot power on virtual machine, CID mismatch

Last week i was contacted by two customers facing the same problem. Both customers running vSphere 5.1 U1 and ESXi 5.1 U1 and they couldn’t start one or more virtual machines and received the following error in the vSphere Web Client: The useful option to submit an error report in the vSphere Web Client adds …

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ESXi host disk.terminateVMOnPDLDefault configuration using PowerCLI

This section is updated since vSphere 5.5 was GA during VMworld 2013. From now on the configuration option has changed regarding two things: Name – It is now called VMkernel.Boot.terminateVMOnPDL and not Disk.terminateVMOnPDLDefault Configuration – It is now an advanced ESXi configuration parameter and not a text string in the ESXi host file /etc/vmware/settings Continue reading if …

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VMware Multiple NIC vMotion generates unicast flooding in the network

————————————————————————————————- Blog post updated 2013-07-18 The problem described in this blog post has been fixed in the ESXi 5.0 U2 and in the 5.1 U1 releases but the original blog post is left unchanged. ————————————————————————————————- I have been using the VMware multiple NIC vMotion, VMware KB 2007467 , configuration where possible and needed, e.g. running high …

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