

VMware vSphere vCenter Server 6.5 Appliance Installation & Configuration

Basic documentation about my lab environment VMware vCenter Server 6.5 installation and configuration. I decided to run the UI based installation form my Windows 8 based VDI. However, there is a cli option available for the deployment and a blog post about that can be found here.

Hang on for a lot of print screens:)


Follow the below procedure to successfully install vCenter Server Appliance version 6.5.

    1. Mount the downloaded ISO and double click the installer.exe which can be found under Mountpoint:\vcsa-ui-installer\win32
    2. Since this was a completely fresh installation i selected the Install option.
    3. Click next on the Introduction section.
    4. Click the check box “I accept the terms of the license agreement” in the End User Lices Agreement section and click Next
    5. I selected “vCenter Server with Embedded Platform Service Controller” as my Deplyment type since this will be a small deployment with only one vCenter Server and a maximum of 5 ESXi hosts.
    6. I used my only existing ESXi server as the Appliance Deplyment Target.
    7. Accept (click Yes) the certificate warning which i get since i’m using the ESXi self generated certificate.
    8. Provide the VM name and root password in the “Set up Appliance VM section”The following password requirements exists.screen-shot-2016-11-17-at-18-12-30
  1. The following Deployment size configuration is available:
    1. Deployment Size = Tiny
    2. Storage Size = Default
      See blog post VMware vCenter Server Appliance resource requirements for more information about deployment sizes and resource requirements.
  2. Select the Datastore when you want to place the VM. There is also an option to select thin provisioning.
  3. Configure your Network details. You’ll get a warning if the FQDN is not resolvable to the IP address you provide.
  4. Verify all looks good & click Finish on the “Ready to complete stage 1” section to start the deployment.
  5. Sit back and watch the installation or grab a coffey:)
  6. Click Continue on the “Install – Stage 1: Deploy vCenter Server with Embedded Platform Service Controller” page to start stage 2.


The configuration section is as easy as the deployment/installation part so follow the below procedure to successfully configure the vCenter Server Appliance version 6.5.

  1. Nothing to verify at the introduction page, just click next
  2. screen-shot-2016-11-17-at-19-37-19
  3. The Appliance Configuration page lets you configure:
      1. NTP – Always a good thing to configure, even for a lab environment.
      2. SSH – which i enabled for my lab environment. Disabled is the default option


  4. SSO configuration page need the following:
    1. SSO domain name
    2. Sao user name
    3. SSO Password
    4. Site Name


  5. CEIP is the VMware Customer Experience Improvement Program. Just decide if you want to participate or not. My customers usually do not enable this for their production environments.
  6. Verify all looks good & click Finish on the Ready to complete page.
  7. Good to know.
  8. Configuration continues ……….
  9. And now it’s finished

The links included at the Complete page takes you to:

Now let’s access the system via the three main interfaces not including the physical machine console where the director console interface (DCUI) is shown.

  • SSH where you can login with the root or administrator@vsphere.local accounts
  • https:/7vc01.vcdx56.local:5480 which is the new admin interface.
  • https://vc01.vcdx56.local which gives you the option to start various interfaces e.g. flash mode based vSphere Web Client and the new HTML5 based client


  • https://vc01.vcdx56.local/vsphere-clinet which takes you to the Flash based vSphere Web client
  • https://vc01.vcdx56.local/ui which takes you to the HTML5 based client