

Hypervisor resource utilization question


When you determine the amount of resources you need for your virtualised environment you need to include several things such as:

  • Hypervisor CPU requirements
  • Hypervisor RAM requirements
  • Hypervisor disk requirements
  • Hypervisor CPU and or RAM requirement per running VM
  • VM CPU requirements
  • VM RAM requirements

On top of this some hypervisors allows for resource oversubscription for CPU and/or RAM and that must also be taken into account. I have written a blog post about my experience over the years in terms of vCPU to physical core oversubscription which can be found here.

I have a pretty good understanding of the “Hypervisor CPU and or RAM requirement per running VM” requirements for VMware ESXi since that’s the hypervisor i have been working with for the past + 10 years and during that time i have collected a lot of resource utilisation data.

Since i now work with KVM, Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware ESXi i’m in the process of building up the same level of data for KVM and Microsoft Hyper-V. I know there are documents available that tells you what figures to use but nothing is more important than real world data.

It’s a first time for everything and this is the first time i ask my blog readers for feedback:)
If you got 2 minutes to spare it would be awesome if you could fill out the very very very short survey regarding hypervisor resource utilisation for your KVM, Microsoft Hyper-V and or VMware ESXi environment.

The results will be published as a separate blog post and hopefully a lot of people will find the information useful.


[contact-form to=’pmandersson1978@gmail.com’ subject=’VCDX56 NPX5 Resource utilisation survey’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Hypervisor’ type=’select’ options=’KVM,Microsoft Hyper-V,VMware ESXi’/][contact-field label=’Hypervisor CPU GHz usage’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Hypervisor RAM (GB) usage’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Hypervisor RAM (MB) usage per VM’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Type of VMs in your env incl num vCPU & amount of RAM’ type=’text’/][/contact-form]