

NDB Quick Tip VII – Manage Multiple Types of MSSQL DBs

As you might be aware of NDB supports Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) based databases including both Failover Cluster Instance (FCI) and always on availability group (AAG) as well as standalone databases.

See information about NDB supported configurations for MSSQL here

So now on to the actual quick tip 🙂

If you have a WSFC with AAG based DB(s) plus standalone DB(s) and would like to managed both type with NDB you need follow the below registration process:

  1. WSFC based DB(s)
  2. Standalone DB(s)

By doing this you’ll register all DB Server VMs in the WSFC in step one. If you start with the standalone DB you’ll only register one DB Server VM with NDB.

Other blog posts in the Quick Tip series are:
