

Nutanix AHV VM Reporting

While I was visiting a customer the other week we started to talk about VM reporting for Nutanix AHV and what we can do. There are several options to get the information required e.g. via REST API, ncli, acli, PowerShell and so on. Since this customer runs no Windows based VMs or physical workstations we decided to create a simple report using a bash script that includes the following:

  • VM Name
  • Total Number of vCPUs
  • Number of CPUs
  • Number of Cores per vCPU
  • Memory GB
  • Disk Usage GB
  • Disk Allocated GB
  • Acropolis Snapshots
  • Protection Domain Snapshots
  • Network Placement
  • IP Address
  • AHV Host placement

Right now, version 1.5, creates a comma separated file and runs on any of the Nutanix Cluster Controller Virtual Machines (CVMs). However, the idea is to both add additional information to the report and also change it to use the Nutanix REST API to get the information so it is easy to run the script remote.

This is what the report looks like after opening it up in excel and:

  • Text to column based on the Delimited option only Comma as field separator.
  • Some colour magic:)

After downloading the script from My GitHub Reporting Repository you need to change the following parameters to make it work in your environment:

  • directory=”/Users/magander/Documents/script/REST”
  • clusterfqdn=”my.fqdn.com”
  • user=”scriptuser”
  • passwd=”Compl8!xPWD”

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