Yesterday, 2021-02-10, Nutanix released a new short term support, STS, release of AOS meaning the latest STS is now 5.19.1. Read more about difference between LTS & STS (Short Term Support) here. In addition AHV 20201105.1045 was also released. A few more days back, 2021-02-05, Prism Central, PC, pc.2021.1 was released so quite a few updates over the past days.
These new releases includes a lot of enhancements and some new features/capabilities in the following areas:
- Network performance for Ubuntu 20.04 VMs
- Security
- AHV-management
- Alerts
- Cluster Conversion
- Curator
- Data Replication and Protection
- Infrastructure / Services
- Move
- Networking
- Nutanix Guest Tools
- Prism
- Gateway
- UI
- Pulse / Insights
- Security-AOS
- The kernel image is updated in this release along with openssl and java-openjdk which fix several CVE’s
- Stargate
- Zookeeper
As usual check Nutanix Software End Of Life document on a regular basis to keep you up to date.
Useful links
- Firewall Requirements 5.19
- AOS 5.19.1 Download
- AOS 5.19.1 Release Notes
- Prism Central pc2021.1 Download
- Prism Central pc2021.1 Release Notes
- AHV 20201105.1045 Download
- AHV 20201105.1045 Release Notes
- Upgrade Path
- Hypervisor json files
- Nutanix Compatibility Matrix
- Software Product Interoperability
Enjoy the new version and its capabilities..