

Nutanix Calm Version 2.7.0 & 2.7.1 Released

A new version of Nutanix Cloud Application Lifecycle Management (Calm) software was released yesterday, 5:th of August 2019) meaning the latest and greatest version is now 2.7.0 & 2.7.1 where:

  • 2.7.0 belongs to AOS & PC 5.10.6 which you can read more about here
  • 2.7.1 belongs to AOS & PC 5.11 which you can read more about here

Calm provides the following functionality for those of you who have not yet looked into the capabilities and functionality of Calm:

  • Application life-cycle management
  • Hybrid cloud management
  • Governance
  • Customizable blueprints
  • Nutanix Marketplace

Version 2.7.0 & 2.7.1 comes with a lot of good new features & functionality which will be very useful in many situations and make the blueprints even more easy to create & manage. My two favourite enhancements / new features are:

  • Pre-Create and Post-Delete Task – Update backup, monitoring, documentation, service ticketing, IPAM and/or whatever other system you need to connect to while deploying services can now be done with this new capability. Really good and will become handy in pretty much every production ready blueprint.
  • New Variable Types – Date/time, list, & multi-line string in addition to integer & string. Static or runtime defined via eScript or HTTP task.

In addition to the above mentioned new features/functionality the following new features/functionality is also included:

  • Multi-Cluster Deployment in Calm – Now you can connect multiple AHV clusters to the same project making the blueprint management across AHV clusters easier.
  • Post Launch VM Action including:
    • Application edit
    • Clone application
    • Launch console
    • Manage snapshots – create, delete, and restore
    • NGT operations – install and uninstall
  • Support for Single VM Blueprint on Public Cloud Providers – I usually use the Multi VM blueprint option when creating blueprints but the Single VM blueprint options is really good when you need to create a simple Blueprint and do it quick
  • Application Edit – Change VM config parameters for an application deployed via a single VM blueprint. Requires application to run on AHV.
  • Marketplace Enhancements – Including e.g. support for vCenter Server.

Will write separate blog posts about the three top new features/functionality a bit later.

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