Updated 2020-10-15: Nutanix Multi-Site Private Cloud Architecture document has been released.
Happy to announce that the long awaited Nutanix Private Cloud Reference Architecture has been released. This is a document describing what approach (methodology) to use, what to consider/ take into account and what decisions to include when designing a private cloud solution based on the Nutanix platform. As always, the most important input parameters when putting together a design are the customer requirements and identified constraints. These are included as design objectives in the document which consists of 4 major sections:
- Architectural Overview
- Design Considerations
- Detailed Design
- Operations
Critical to understand is that the 80+ design decisions included in the document respects the design objectives included, meaning they can and most likely will change based on your requirements.
This has been an ongoing effort internally at Nutanix for a while and members from multiple teams participated in the effort. As you all know the Nutanix Platform can be used for more than just a private cloud solution and that might be included in an upcoming release 🙂
Click here to get your copy of the Nutanix Private Cloud Reference Architecture