

Nutanix @ VMworld in Barcelona 2015


It just about a week until this years VMworld event 12-15 October at Fira Gran Via in Barcelona starts. Nutanix will be at the event as a Gold sponsor and can be found at both #G316. In the both you can:

  • Discuss how Nutanix can help you run your workload with the right performance, availability, scalability and cost in mind.
  • See demos of e.g. Prism, Metro & Data Protection, Cloud Connect
  • Learn why our existing customer base have switch to Nutanix for their workloads.
  • Participate in the daily Wally scooter raffle.
  • Talk about what made Nutanix number 1 in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Integrated systems.

If you are interested in Nutanix 1:1 technical briefing you can use this link to sign up.

Apart from visiting the Nutanix both i recommend you to visit session SDDC6895: Nutanix Panel: Evolution from 3-tier to Hyperconverged Infrastructure at Tuesday, 13 Oct, 3:30PM – 4:30PM unless it is already included in your schedule.

I’ll visit the conference and i’m happy to meet up and discuss anything Nutanix, reach out to me via email or twitter if you’re interested. Apart from being at the Nutanix both i’ll participate in the general sessions, breakout sessions, labs and more since there is a lot to learn and a lot of great people to networking with during the event.

C U @VMworld