

One year as a blogger

Today, March 13 2014, i have been a blogger for a year. During this time i have published 113 blog posts and that is much more than i expected when i started. As i have mentioned earlier i write blog posts of architectural and technical challenges i’m facing during my day to day work

In the beginning i wrote quite  lot of blog posts about vCloud Director but there has been a shift since i have start working more and more with vCloud Automation Center. Of course i write about other things as well, take a look at the categories section to the right on my blog home page or try the search function.

Since i published the 6 months as a blogger – my thoughts blog post the number of unique blog visitors per day has increased, i’m included in the 2014 top VMware & Virtualization blogs voting (thanks Eric Siebert) and i have received 7 more blog sponsors.

This is really great stuff and keeps me motivated to continue my blog post writing so stay tuned for additional blog posts, hopefully at least one per week.

Thanks for the twitter retweets & mentions, the comments on the blog and feedback received via other social media channels e.g. LinkedIn.


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