

Schedule PowerCLI script in Windows task scheduler

I have received a couple of questions about how to add a PowerCLI scrip to Windows task scheduler after publishing my blog post vSphere Cluster Resource Pool Configuration Script
Depending on the customer requirements there are several ways of doing this. Customer requirements for my implementation includes:

  • An active directory based service account must be used to run the script.
  • The script must not run on the machine where the vCenter Service runs, it will run on a virtual machine used for monitoring purposes.
  • No passwords can be stored in plain text in script files or any other files.

First thing to do is to create an active directory based account.
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Start PowerCLI as the user who will run the script.
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The PowerCLI prompt is now started with the user who will run the scheduled PowerCLI script. Now we need to get the user credentials.

  • $cred=Get-Credential

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Make sure the parameter $cred got some content.

  • $cred.Password | ConvertFrom-Securestring

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Export the user credentials to an encrypted file.

  • C:\> $cred.Password | ConvertFrom-Securestring | Set-Content C:\vSphere\scripts\powerclicred

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Now when we got the password stored in a file we need to add the two below lines to our PowerCLI script. Change the red text in your PowerCLI script to match your environment.

  • $pwd = Get-Content c:\vSphere\scripts\powerclicred | ConvertTo-SecureString
  • $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential “home\domain_user“, $pwd
  • Connect-VIServer vcenter.home.com

Lets start creating the Windows scheduled task in the Task Scheduler. Two things:

  • Make sure to change the user to the service account user (see first green arrow).
  • Mark the check box “Run weather user is logged on or not” (see second green arrow).

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Add the Trigger based on your preferred schedule.
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Add an action.

  • Action = Start a program
  • Program/Script = Path to powercli.exe. In my case C:WINDOWSsystem32windowspowershellv1.0powershell.exe
  • Add arguments (optional): -PSConsoleFile  “path to the file vim.psc1” -command “&{Path to powercli script}”
    In my case -PSConsoleFile  “C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\vim.psc1”  -command “&{C:\vSphere\scripts\rp.ps1}”

Make sure you get the correct signs when copy and paste the above lines

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Configure the settings in the “Conditions” and “Settings” tabs to your preferred values. I used the default once.
Click ok and type the password for the service account.
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Click ok to the Task Scheduler pop up telling you that the user need to have the “Log on as batch job” rights on the Windows machine where we schedule the PowerCLI script.
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The Scheduled Task looks like this in the Windows Task Scheduler
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Add the user to the “Log on as a batch job” “User Rights Assignment” section in the Windows machine “Local Security Policy” editor.
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Last thing is to make sure the service account has the required priviliges in vCenter Server. For this particular case i selected the Adminsitrator role.
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The PowerCLI script will now run according to your specified schedule.

Thanks to @nkange for useful input when configure my first PowerCLI script to run as a Windows scheduled task a few years back.

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  1. vSphere cluster resource pool configuration script | vcdx56

    […] I created a blog post about how to schedule a PowerCLI script in Windows task scheduler and it can be found here […]

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    […] Its a simple script for exporting VM details to HTML format. The HTML report created will be saved into the folder with the name of current month. It will help in generating a daily report with the help of Windows Task Scheduler. Refer this article for scheduling PowerCLI script. […]

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    […] While I could write about how to do this, this is a great way to promote some more awesome content, so head on over to view Magnus Andersson’s post on doing just what we want to do: http://magander.se/2013/03/27/schedule-powercli-script-in-windows-task-scheduler/ […]

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