Yesterday, 2021-03-02, i ran into a problem where one ESXi server didn’t sync it’s time with the NTP server configured. It was lagging approximately 2h, 22min & 15sec. Current UTC was 07:51:55 when it should have been 10:13
The well known command esxcli is your friend if doing this via command line via SSH. trying “esxcli system time set” will give you:
- You must specify one of year, month, day, hour, minute or second
- If you need the exact options you can just give “esxcli system time set –”
Gives you a pretty good idea how to set date and time and in the below example i provide all the options.
esxcli system time set –day=2 –month=3 –year=2021 –hour=10 –min=15 –sec=0
Now all good 🙂