Tag Archive: cluster

Create & Configure Nutanix Cluster via command line

Updated 2018-04-27: Updated Set new Nutanix Cluster Admin Password Updated 2018-01-18: Updated Directory Authentication section to match AOS 5.5 requirements. Updated 2017-09-06: Updated to include local PRISM users Updated 2017-05-31: Updated to include Network Visualization Updated 2017-05-31: Updated to include configure External Data Services IP address Updated 2017-05-31: Updated the section where a new container is created and …

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Nutanix and vSphere deployment via vCenter Orchestrator

A few weeks back me and my colleagues Phil Ditzel and Artur Krzywdzinski was asked to create a customer demo including Nutanix and vSphere deployment. We decided to use vCenter Orchestrator (vCO) as the provisioning engine but this can be done via e.g PowerShell as well. The following steps are included in the vCD workflow we …

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Nutanix Cluster, Storage Pool and Container setup

During my first month at Nutanix I have been doing quite a few Nutanix presentations for potential customers and consultants. I have received a lot of questions during the presentations but also questions via email including, but not limited to, e.g. setup, management, snapshot, disaster recovery, availability, Controller Virtual Machine (CVM), performance. Even though there is a lot …

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vSphere cluster resource pool configuration script

This blog will include the technical aspect (the script) which i mentioned in the blog post vCloud Director implementation for small businesses Input parameters: 4 vSphere cluster resource pools exists at the vSphere cluster root level SLA-Gold with priority value 10 SLA-Silver with priority value 5 SLA-Bronze with priority value 3 SLA-vCloud with priority value …

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