Two days ago, 2021-12-27, Nutanix released a new patched version of Prism Central based on the updated security issues with log4j. It was only seven days since the previous patch so let’s hope this is the last one addressing the log4j issue but you never know. As usual Prism Central can be downloaded via Nutanix …
Tag Archive: PC 2021.7
Nutanix Prism Central 2021.9 Released
Just a quick blog post to let you know that Prism Central 2021.9 version was just released and can be downloaded via the Nutanix Portal. The focus with 2021.8 which i wrote about here was to make license management easier. The 2021.9 release brings a few new feature, some enhancements and some bug fixes including …
Nutanix Prism Central 2021.8 Released
Just a quick blog post to let you know that Prism Central 2021.8 version was just released and can be downloaded via the Nutanix Portal. The PC 2021.7 release which i wrote about here brought a lot of features to the table and one of the most valuable (i think) was the AHV SyncRep & …
AHV SyncRep & Auto restart applications after cluster failure – Prism Central 2021.7 Released
Thank you Nutanix engineering – with Prism 2021.7 we are getting: AHV SyncRep & Auto restart applications after cluster failure – Witness/Recovery Plan integration This is very critical for many, at least european customers i’m working with, and a great step of taking on even more business critical applications on Nutanix AHV. This means you …