Tag Archive: timezone

Set Nutanix AHV Timezone

——————————————————————————————– Updated 2019-09-18 Important – This blog post is obsolete if you’re using an AOS version newer than 5.0 meaning pretty much everyone these days. Do not set AHV time zone anymore. ——————————————————————————————– Orginal blog post:   A question I have received multiple times since Nutanix released their hypervisor AHV, formerly known as Acropolis Hypervisor, is …

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Nutanix AHV and Windows Server Guest Customisation

A while back i wrote a blog post about Nutanix AHV and Linux VM Guest Customization and based on that one i have had a few requests about how to do the same for Windows based VMs so that is the topic for this blog post. For Windows based systems, if deploying VMs from base/template …

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