

Top vBlog 2016 voting is now open

It’s one again that time of the year when you get a chance to let the blog writers know what you think about their writing. Eric Siebert form vSphere-land has as usual done a great job putting it all together and i just wanted to let you know that the voting is now open. I also think it is important to mention the top vBlog sponsor VMTurbo who not only provide great gifts for this event, they also deliver really good software!

This year you can select 12 virtualisation related blogs out of 300 instead of 10 and you are asked to considered the following about the blogs before making your vote:

  • Longevity (how long they have been blogging for)
  • Quality (how well the posts are)
  • Frequency (how often they post)
  • Length (how long the posts are)

As i mentioned last year these are all good inputs but the most important is to select the once that helps you the best or provides the most interesting stuff.

Read more about the vBlog voting here when you’re ready klick the Vote button below and make your voice heard before May 27:th.

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Happy voting.