

VMTurbo VMworld 2016 Sweepstakes

Really good news for you who wants to attend VMworld 2016 in Las Vegas 28 August – 1 September but don’t have any tickets yet. VMTurbo has once again decided to support the virtualization community in a really good way and gives you a chance to win two tickets for the event.

The sweepstakes is open between 4 May until 15 July 11:59PM EST and the winners will be notified via email. Three drawings at the following dates.

  • 27 May
  • 17 June
  • 15 July

If you haven’t sign up already i really encourage you to do so using the link below.

Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 23.39.26

You can read the VMturbo Sweepstakes term and agreements here

So a huge thank you VMturbo for this great way of sponsoring the virtualisation community.

This is not an advertising blog post payed for by my blog sponsor VMTurbo, this is just a way for you as a VDCX56 blog reader to get a chance to take advantage of this great offer from VMTurbo.