The is the forth blog post in the NDB Quick Tip series & will be about NDB Pulse data. Guess you’re already familiar with Nutanix Pulse data for your Nutanix clusters, right ?
Other blog posts in the Quick Tip series are:
- NDB Quick Tip III – Supported Functionalities per DB Engine & DB Server VM Operating System
- NDB Quick Tip II – PostgreSQL extensions
- NDB Quick Tip I – API v0.9
NDB Pulse works by sending data to port 443 meaning same as your Nutanix clusters so if you’re running NDB in dark site you will most likely not allow this outbound traffic. However, if you do, information about the following entities will be included in the data sent to Nutanix:
- Database
- DB Server VMs
- Time Machine
- Cluster
- Operations
- NDB Control Plane VMs
if you’re interested to know exactly what information is included for each entity you can read about it in Nutanix knowledge base (KB) article13653