Tag Archive: AOS 6.8

Nutanix Prism Central pc.2024.1

Yesterday, 2024-05-15, Nutanix released a new version Prism Central meaning the latest and greatest PC is now 2024.1 This Prism Central (PC) release includes many new and enhanced features such as: Prism Central Backup and Restore – Prism Central can be backed up to as many as three Nutanix on-prem clusters and in addition to …

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Nutanix AOS 6.8 eSTS

Yesterday, 2024-05-15, Nutanix released a new version AOS meaning the latest version is 6.8. For some years there has been two release types for AOS including a long term support (LTS) version and a short term support (STS) version. With AOS 6.8 there is one more release type introduced called extended STS (eSTS) and the …

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Nutanix AHV 9.1

Yesterday, 2024-05-15, Nutanix released a new version of AHV meaning the latest version is now AHV 9.1 also known as 20230302.100173 The new version comes with the following new & enhanced features: Live Migration Support for Credential Guard VMs Adaptive CPU Management during Live Migration Advanced Processor Compatibility in AHV In addition to the new …

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