

VMware Tools 11.0 Released

VMware released a new major version of VMware Tools last week, 2019-09-19, meaning the latest and greatest version for Windows and MacOS is no version 11.0.

Starting earlier this year VMware added the pvscsi & vmxnet3 drivers to the Microsoft Update Service and by VMware Tools version 11 the VMCI (VMware Virtual Machine Communication Interface) driver is added as well. It uses Visual Studio 2017 as the kernel space compiler, and you can:

  • Configure VMware Tools to prevent automatic upgrades — Not bad:)
  • Prevent vSphere admins from adding or removing VMware Tools components

AppInfo is a new component which collects information about running applications every 30 minutes by default but can be changed and the collection process can also be disabled which gives you the flexibility you need. Haven’t tried the installer yet so not sure if you can just skip the component if you preferrer.

There are now 11 hardware, 8 software and 1 security related drivers available for Windows Operating systems via VMware Tools version 11.0.

Balloon driver is now deprecated and for Catalina (MacOS 10.15) VMware Tools is notarized for MacOS 10.15 which is pretty good.

For Linux I guess you all know that version 10.3.5 was the latest release where new features were added. The new VMware Tools version for Linux, version 10.3.20, includes backported security fixes which can be used if the open-vm-tools is not available via your Linux distros software repository. Manual download available via GitHub if you’re in the software code compiling business.

Last thing: between 20-30% performance increase when moving larger files via Host-Guest Filesystem (HGFS)

Useful Links

VMware Tools 11.0 Download

VMware Tools 11.0 Release Notes

VMware Tools 10.3.20 Release Notes

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