

VMworld Barcelona 2014 – Day 1 summary

Initially i considered to live blog during the VMworld sessions i’ll attend but it took my only a few minutes during the keynote session to realise i can’t do two things the same time. Really impressed by bloggers who can.

I’ll provide a daily summary the same way i did last year.

I would like to stay thanks to  VMware for giving me a blogger pass for this years VMworld Barcelona event 2014. Got one last year as well so i considered myself a lucky guy. THANKS

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Pretty much the first message we received from was the new VMworld Europe attendee record of almost 9 000. That’s a really good number.

Pat Gelsinger started by comparing our world to water in terms of agility (dynamic, liquid) Then a few announcements (some new and some we have seen before) were made including e.g.:

  • VMware vCloud Suite 5.8,
  • vSphere 6.0 Beta
  • Virtual Volumes (Vvol) and vSAN 2.0 Beta
  • A VMware Open Stack integration (now in Beta)
  • The Federation Software-Defined Data Center Solution
  • Rebranding and bundeling the operations and automation suites to the vRealize suite
  • Rebranding all “as -a-service” to vRealize Air
  • vCloud Hybrid Server -> vCloud Air.
  • VMware joins Open Compute Project (OCP)
  • vRealize Code Stream – This is the part i’m looking forward to the most for tomorrows keynote….
  • Project Fargo – clone a running VM and the clone shares ram and disk with the source initially.
  • Partnerships with Google and Docker – 1 platform for any app
  • Term VN (virtual network) introduced and used side by side with VM. At least i haven’t used that terminology before.
  • Workspace Suite
    • Horizon + Airwatch + Content Locker
  • Rebranding of vCloud Hybrid Services to vCloud Air
  • Horizon FLEX, read more here
  • VMware + Openstack now in beta.
  • VMware’s partnership with Google & NVIDIA is here to bring full graphical experience to virtual desktops

Kit Colbert run an VMware Workspace portal demo, where he seamlessly changing between different devices but keeping the same session and also sharing information with his demo co-workers and friends.

Breakout sessions

INF1349 – Software-Defined Data Center & vCloud Suite Roadmap

This session talked about, as you can imagine, the vCloud Suite Roadmap. Since i’m already in the vSphere 6.0 Beta i knew most of the stuff presented but one thing i haven’t picked up was information about the vCenter Server Appliance.  This will make the vCenter Server Appliance more common i think because i really don’t ono what many customers today running vCenter Server Appliance in production environments.

TEX1991 – vCenter Orchestrator – What’s Next ?

VMware pushing vCenter Orchestrator (vCO) a lot for the moment and i think that is absolutely correct. I haven’t been involved in a single implementation project the last 1-1.5 years that haven’t involved vCenter Orchestrator one way or the other. From what i can tell the future features will make the product easier to work with so i’m really looking forward to the next quarters in terms of potential new vCO features.

INF1469 – Extreme Performance Series: Monster VM Performance

I attended this session last year and i decided to join it again. Discussed a lot about pNuma, vNuma, hyper threading and so on for monster VMs, typically using 32 or 64 vCPU. I think it was a really good session and i recommend all of you not attending to download the slides and have a look.

Solutions exchange

Didn’t spend much time at the solutions exchange today. Had a few Nutanix discussions at our both and visited a few other booths as well. Will spend more time at our both tomorrow and hopefully get some time to visit other booths.

Blogger Area

Always good to catch up with other bloggers. Couldn’t stay more than 30 minutes today but hope to spend more time here tomorrow.

Hands On Labs

Took the 1403 VMware NSX Introduction lab as pretty much everyone else did, at least the most popular lab so far. However a good catch up to NSX since i haven’t played/used it for about 6 months now.

VCDX / vExpert party

Last stop before getting back to the hotel was the VCDX/vExpert reception arranged by VMware. Nice drinks and good tapas and overall a good party. Always nice to meet the people behind the programs and as always, they are very polite and takes time to discuss what ever question you might have. Got some really good information, which i can’t share, about potential changes to Planet V12n which i hope will be realised in the near future.

That’s all for today. C U tomorrow….

2 pings

  1. VMworld Barcelona 2014 – Day 2 summary | VCDX56

    […] Code Stream, which i mentioned in my blog yesterday, will help in the release process from development to production while reducing the operational […]

  2. VMworld Europe 2014 – Wrap-up Tuesday | vBrain.info

    […] Magnus Andersson – VMware Barcelona 2014 – Day 1 Summary […]

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