A while ago I published a blog post that includes a script you can use to create Nutanix AHV VM reports. The blog post can be found here. Now it’s time for version 1.1 and it comes with additional VM information to make it more useful. The new metrics included are: Remote Protection Domain …
Tag Archive: AOS 5.1
Disable Nutanix PRISM Login Screen Animation
A while back i had to change the Nutanix PRISM login screen behaviour to not include the animation of background particles. There are quite a few ways of doing this as described in Nutanix knowledgeable article 1308 This blog post will cover 4 different ways of managing the animation and the reason for this blog …
Veritas NetBackup with Nutanix AHV Best Practices Guide Available
In addition to the “Veritas NetBackup with Nutanix & vSphere Best Practices Guide Available” which you can read about here there is now a “Veritas NetBackup with Nutanix AHV Best Practices Guide” available. The following topics are included in the guide: Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform Overview In-Guest VM Backup and Restore Component Overview Component Sizing …
List number of VMs per Nutanix AHV host
Got a question a few days ago about how to list number of virtual machines (VMs) per Nutanix AHV host. From the top of my head I can think of two ways: PRISM Script PRISM It’s really simple to either view VMs per AHV Hosts direct in the UI and even export the information to a …
Nutanix AOS 5.1 & more released
So today, 2017-04-30, Nutanix has released a new version of Acropolis Operating System (AOS) formerly known as Nutanix Operating System (NOS) meaning the most recent version is 5.1. There are plenty of enhancements, new features and bug fixes including in this version. I have quite a few customers who have been waiting for Nutanix to …