Tag Archive: Barcelona

VMworld Barcelona 2016 – Day 1 Summary

So today, 2016-10-18, was my first day at VMworld  and it started with being stuck in traffic for about 30 min so i made it to the general session about 20 seconds before it started…. I’ll structure my daily summaries, yes i’ll keep that concept as well, this year pretty much same way as last year …

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Nutanix @ VMworld in Barcelona 2016

Today, 2016-10-17, VMworld in Barcelona which will run through 17-20 October at FIRA GRAN VIA starts. I’m on my way to Barcelona right now and i hope i will be able to join the Nutanix party tonight. For those of you who can not attend VMworld in Barcelona you can watch the general sessions here.   Nutanix …

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Nutanix @ VMworld in Barcelona 2015

It just about a week until this years VMworld event 12-15 October at Fira Gran Via in Barcelona starts. Nutanix will be at the event as a Gold sponsor and can be found at both #G316. In the both you can: Discuss how Nutanix can help you run your workload with the right performance, availability, scalability …

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Nutanix @ VMworld Barcelona 2014

This years VMworld in Barcelona will be my first VMworld visit after joining Nutanix in May earlier this year since i couldn’t attend the VMworld San Francisco event. I’m looking forward to the event as i do every year since it is a great place for learning new things, meeting great people. The following tasks will be included in my …

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VMworld Europe schedule builder now available

Today, 2014-08-21, three days before the VMware VMworld event in San Francisco VMware released the schedule builder for the VMworld Europe event. 354 sessions presented by 454 speakers are available and i believe some will be repeated based on requests as usual. In addition, 118 exhibitors will be present in Barcelona between 14-16 October (Partner day takes …

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VMworld 2014 Barcelona blogger pass

A VMworld blogger pass is a full conference pass meaning you can register and attend the sessions, visit the solutions exchange, attend the VMware party. This pass is given out to a selected few people in the community and is a really great initiative which makes it possible to attend one of the two (US or …

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VMworld – day 3

My plan was to spend a lot of time in the solutions exchange during the last day of VMworld 2013 in Barcelona. Mainly because i have not had the time yet and that it is usually less crowdy the last day (day after the VMworld party) compared to the other days. Started my day at …

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VMworld – day 2

The second day of VMworld started with another keynote and i must say this was more or less the best keynote ever, apart from the demonstration of the vMotion technology. I know it was pretty much the same as the second keynote during VMworld 2013 in San Francisco but i did not attend the SF …

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VMworld – day 1

So today VMworld started with the mandatory keynote for 1.5 hours. Maurizio Carli, SVP and GM EMEA, started the keynonte for about 15 minutes followed by Pat Gelsinger, CEO, including an announcement on Cloud Infrastructure Management that supports the VMware Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) vision. SDDC from my point of view is an architecture, …

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VMworld – day 0

This will be the first update from my VMworld 2013 Barcelona experience. I know the actual event has not yet started, the opening is tomorrow (Tuesday), but there are quite a few events taking place today e.g. VMware Partner day VMware TAM day VMware Certified Instructor (VCI) day Myself i started at 09:00 AM CET …

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