Category Archive: vExpert

VMware vSphere 5.5 End Of General Support

Just a quick blog post for those of you who might have missed it and are still running VMware vSphere 5.5 that it will be end of general support September 19, 2018. vSphere 5.5 was released September 22, 2013 so it has been around for almost 5 years when the general support ends. The same end …

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VMware Integrated OpenStack 4.1 Released

  During VMworld 2018 VMware released VMware Intergrated OpenStack (VIO) version 4.0 which you can read more about here. Now, released 2018-01-18, it is time for an update meaning the newest version of VIO is 4.1. The new version brings a bunch of new features e.g.: HTML5 client support Support for VMware: vSphere 6.5 Update 1 …

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vCloud Director Released

  Yesterday, 2018-01-16, VMware released a minor update to vCloud Director (vCD) meaning latest and greatest version is now This release focuses on resolving issues and not on new features which is usually the way with these minor minor updates. A few resolved issues I have seen or heard about are: Change SID for …

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Application open for VMware vExpert 2018

Two days back VMware opened up the application for the VMware vExpert program 2018. There are a few changes this year compared to the previous once and one is the VMware vExpert page and submit process. To better understand what the vExpert program is all about I have taken a quote available on the vExpert …

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Migrate Windows vCenter Server 6.0 to vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) 6.5

A few weeks back I did my first production environment migration of VMware vCenter Server 6.0 Windows version to vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) 6.5. I have tested this in customer lab and in my home lab before so it was not a new experience. Since the source vCenter Server used an Embedded Platform Service Controller (PSC) …

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Backup vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) 6.5 Using PowerShell

A few days ago I was asked to create a  VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) version 6.5 script using PowerCli. The request was to take a daily backup and send it to a FTPS location in a separate folder per backup. I found that Brian Graf has put together VCSA backup function which was really …

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VMware ESXi Esxtop Invalid Output Format (CSV)

A few days back I received a question regarding ESXi esxtop output format which looked more like a comma separated values (CSV) file than the normal table view you’re used to. And the CSV like output was constantly updating meaning estop was running but not just displayed correct. See sample output below. I’m running a …

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Heads Up! Shockwave Flash Crashes In VMware vSphere Web Client 6.x

Updated 2017-10-19 – Additional information and a fix in the Adobe forum. ———————————————————————————————————————————————- Just a heads up that all versions of the vSphere Web Client 6.5 (and also at least vSphere Web Client Version 6.0.0 Build 361739) will crash with the below error if using Adobe Shockwave Flash version Shockwave Flash has crashed To …

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vCloud Director 9.0 Released

Yesterday, 2017-09-28, exactly one month after the announcement which I wrote about here VMware released VMware vCloud (vCD) director 9.0. Below are some of the new features ans functionality included in the new release: New HTML5 based UI which can be accessed via: https://{vCD _URP_IP}/Tenant/{organization_name} However, the old Flex based UI is still available. New …

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VMworld 2017 Las Vegas – Day 2 General Session Summary

Today I managed to get a blogger/press table at the general session on time, skipping breakfast was the key, and not like yesterday when I got my place 5 min after the general session started:) Pat Gelsinger started with inviting Michael Dell on to the stage and they answered pre-prepared questions from the audience. You …

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vRealize Automation and Nutanix Enterprise Cloud

A very short blog post to let you know that I have created a blog post around VMware vRealize Automation (vRA) and the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud on the Nutanix Next community. It is called: vRealize Automation and Nutanix Enterprise Cloud The following is the blog post introduction The Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Platform is a hardware-agnostic …

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VMware PKS Announced

Today, 2017-08-29, VMware announced/introduced VMware Pivotal Container Service which is a collaboration with VMware, Pivotal and Google Cloud to deliver VMware Pivotal Container Service (VMware PKS). Not really sure about the PKS but maybe it is to point out Kubernetes or maybe PCS is already taken:) Components included are e.g. NSX, Kubernetes, vRealize Automation, Wavefront telemetry Kubernetes, …

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vCloud Director 9.0 Announced

Yesterday, 2017-08-28, VMware announced a new version of vCloud Director, (vCD)  meaning the most current release will be 9.0. Latest available vCD version today is 8.2 and was released February 2017. There is not that much information available yet about new features and capabilities but here are a few: Flex UI is gone and there …

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NSX-T Version 2.0 Announced

  Yesterday, 2017-08-28, VMware announced the next version of their network virtualisation product NSX-T  meaning the latest and greatest version will soon be 2.0. NSX-T replaced NSX-MH which was the first NSX version to support multi-hypervisor. NSX-T can provide network virtualisation for both multi-cloud and multi-hypervisor environment. To be more specific we are talking about: …

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VMworld 2017 Las Vegas – Day 1 General Session Summary

Nice opening by Pat Gelsigner when he talks about the disaster in Houston and sends his thoughts and prayers…. Then we got a bit of a history lesson when work transformation since 1810 was brought up and point was that we are aiming on or must focus on creating higher value jobs. VMware Vision: Any Device Any …

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VMware Integrated OpenStack 4.0 Announced

VMware Intergrated OpenStack (VIO), which is a VMware supported OpenStack distribution has been around for a few years. It built on the OpenStack Ocata release  and it runs on top of the VMware SDDC and it offers the following capabilities/meet the following use cases: Implementing a Developer Cloud Running Containers Leveraging Network Virtualization (VMware NSX) The …

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