Quick note: With the newly released 2.5 version of Nutanix Database service (NDB), formerly known as Era, you could run into a situation where the upgrade failed with error “File couldn’t be uploaded: Invalid file format” To address this Nutanix have released a new NDB version called today. If you missed the NDB 2.5 …
Tag Archive: AD
Nutanix NDB 2.4.1 Released
About 2.5 months since the previous release of Nutanix DBaaS NDB, formerly known as Era, version 2.4, a new version called 2.4.1 was released today 2022-04-11. It enables you to patch Standby Oracle Databases in addition to primary databases and includes support for latest the AOS release meaning AOS 6.1. There are many enhancements and …
Nutanix NDB 2.4 Released
Today, 2022-01-24, Nutanix has release version 2.4 of its DBaaS platform NDB, formerly known as Era. This version will let you manage 600 DBs across two Nutanix cluster from a single Era instance. Great enhancement. Highlighted New Features Apart from the scalability improvement already mentioned there are eight major new features in this new version …
Era – Advanced Configuration Via Eraconfig UI Section
As i trust most of you familiar with Nutanix Era already know the Era configuration is stored in the repository (repo) backed by a PostgreSQL database running in the Era appliance. There are multiple options available for managing and configuring your Nutanix Era plattform. UI – Which actually performs API calls to the back end. …
Nutanix ERA 2.3 Released
Today, 2021-09-20, is a good day for all Nutanix Era customers and fans out there since version 2.3 has been released. Highlighted New Features There are nine new features in this dot release and i’d like to quickly present three of the most important once: You can now deploy the Era management Plane in a …
Nutanix ERA 2.2 Released
Today, 2021-06-30, is a good day for all Nutanix Era fans out there since version 2.2 has been released. There are a lot of new and improved features in this release which i trust you’ll find useable no matter what is your preferred DB engine. First of all, Era version 2.2 brings another DB engine, …
Era – Automatically Append Domain Name to DB Server VM Name
I wanted to let you know about an improvement in Era which is really good for any customer deploying MSSQL DB Server VMs into more than one Windows Active Directory (AD) domain. In Era each DB Server VM (VM) needs a uniq name. This is typically not a problem but in an environment where …
Nutanix ERA 2.1 Released
2021 is just a few days in and i already have some great news to share:) Nutanix Era, the Nutanix database-as-a-service (DBaaS) solution version 2.1 has been released. In Era version 2.0 Nutanix Multi-Cluster support was added meaning you could manage DB workloads across multiple Nutanix Clusters. There was an option to store DB snapshots: …
Nutanix ERA 2.0 Released
Happy to let you know what Era 2.0 has been release. There are a lot of new features and new functionality in Era 2.0 and i have been working with quite a few of them already. The single most important new feature in my opinion is the Multi-Cluster Support Era multi-cluster capability allows you to …
Nutanix ERA 1.3.1 Released
Yesterday, 2020-07-09, Nutanix released a new version of Era meaning version 1.3.1 is now the latest and greatest. For you that’s is not familiar with Nutanix Era it’s a database management & data copy solution which you can read more about here Version 1.3.1 comes with an enhancement to Windows Domain Profiles, which is a …
Nutanix ERA 1.3 Released
Today, 2020-06-02, Nutanix released a new version of Era meaning the latest ad greatest version is now 1.3. For you that’s is not familiar with Nutanix Era it’s a database management & data copy solution. There are enhancements and or new features in the following areas: Era Server Deployment Japanese UI support Time Machine Easy …
Nutanix ERA 1.2 Released
Yesterday, 2020-01-02, Nutanix released a new version of its database management & data copy solution, Nutanix Era, meaning latest and greatest version is now 1.2. There are enhancements and or new features in the following areas: Era Server Oracle PostgreSQL SQL Server One feature that I know, coming from an infrastructure background, will be much …
Nutanix Prism Central – Enable Self Service & Apps
This blog post will be an updated version of 2017 Nutanix Self Service Portal Part I – Preparation & Initial Configuration which was created before Calm got integrated in Prism Central which happened with the release of Prism Central and AOS 5.5. Follow the below steps to enable the Self Service and Apps (Calm) functionality in …